Winning With Laughter

by Craig Shoemaker

Take Laughter Seriously

As Seen On
Craig Shoemaker, transformational comedian and corporate wellness coach.

Meet Craig Shoemaker

You know Craig as a comedian.

Now get to know “Craig the Coach.” 

Through his successful 35 year career, Craig witnessed firsthand how laughter offers emotional, physical and spiritual pain relief on demand.

What people don’t realize is that laughter goes beyond just being a temporary stress-relief or a coping skill. Used in a purposeful way, you can unlock the keys to healing through laughter to transform any situation.

Experience the simple but powerful LAUGHTER formula and watch your life transform!

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Excel In Every Aspect of Your Life

Craig’s Comprehensive Coaching Services

Story Behind The Laughter Advocate

Craig has left an incredible mark on the film industry, having written, produced, and starred in two Universal feature films, Totally Baked, and The LoveMaster. He has recurred two times on Parks & Recreation, and has guest starred in such film and TV productions as Pleasantville, Scream 2, Fuller House and Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

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